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Angularjs autocomplete from $http

I'm trying to write an autocomplete directive that fetches data from the server using an $http request (without using any external plugins or scripts). Currently it works only with static data. Now, I know that I need to insert my $http request into the source: of the directive, but I can't find any good documentation on the subject.

http request

$$scope.url, { "command": "list category() names"}). 
            success(function(data, status) {
                $scope.status = status;
                $scope.names = data;    
            error(function(data, status) {
                $ = data || "Request failed";
                $scope.status = status;   


app.directive('autoComplete', function($timeout) {
    return function(scope, iElement, iAttrs) {
                source: scope[iAttrs.uiItems],
                select: function() {
                    $timeout(function() {
                    }, 0);


<input auto-complete ui-items="names" ng-init="manualcat='no category entered'" ng-model="manualcat"> 

So, how do I piece this all together correctly the Angular way?


  • I made an autocomplete directive and uploaded it to GitHub. It should also be able to handle data from an HTTP-Request.

    Here's the demo: And here the documentation and repository:

    So basically you have to return a promise when you want to get data from an HTTP request, that gets resolved when the data is loaded. Therefore you have to inject the $qservice/directive/controller where you issue your HTTP Request.


    function getMyHttpData(){
      var deferred = $q.defer();
        // the promise gets resolved with the data from HTTP
      // return the promise
      return deferred.promise;

    I hope this helps.