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Google Maps Markers - lat, long, size and color from Excel

I am trying to reproduce something that I have created in Google Earth/KML but have problems in Google Maps due to my inexperience with JS.

I want to load around 1000 markers using lat, long, size and color data from XLS.

I have seen an example of how to control market position and size using data from a JSON source,

I have also seen an example of an import from XLS to a JS array.

In the XLS file the data is in columns: Lat, Long, Size, Color and Label. The color can be expressed in CSS. The label would be the basis of a tooltip.

Any suggestions welcome.

Many thanks



  • I have done this several times. There are a few options...

    1. Have a look at Google Fusion Tables - these are really easy to use and lightning fast - able to deal with 500,000 points.

    2. For 1,000 points, I would export the Excel data to a CSV file, then convert the CSV to a Javacript array, and embed the array and some Javascript into your webpage. I am providing a Perl script that will convert the CSV you get out of Excel into a Javascript array - it may not be perfect but you will get the idea. Then I am providing some Javascript that creates the markers, which may also not be perfect, but you will get the idea.

    So, this converts a CSV file into Javascript array:

    use strict;
    use warnings;
    my $printcomma=0;
    print "var Points = new Array(\n";
    while (<>) {
        # Trim end of line character
        my $line = $_;
        # Define variables to hold each CSV field
        my ($lat,$lon,$size,$color,$label) = split (',',$line);
        print ",\n" if $printcomma;
        print "{lat:'$lat',lon:'$lon',size:'$size',color:'$color',label:'$label'}";
        $printcomma = 1;
    print ");\n";

    You save it as "csv2js", then you go to a Terminal and type:

    chmod +x csv2js
    ./csv2js < yourCSVfile  > points.js

    Assuming your CSV file looks something like this:

    53.1,0.002,100,255,Some label
    52.7,0.011,1000,200,Another label
    55.89,-0.78,10000,128,Yet another label

    it will create a file that looks something like this:

    var Points = new Array(
    {lat:'53.1',lon:'0.002',size:'100',color:'255',label:'Some label'},
    {lat:'52.7',lon:'0.011',size:'1000',color:'200',label:'Another label'},
    {lat:'55.89',lon:'-0.78',size:'10000',color:'128',label:'Yet another label'});

    Then you inclue the file created above (points.js) into the top of the following file and use that as the basis of your HTML webpage:

    <!-- Pull in Javascript version of Excel CSV -->
    <script src="points.js"></script>
    <!-- A bunch of your own stuff -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // This function is called dynamically to build the Infowindow as it pops up as
    // a result of the user clicking a pin on the map.
    function DeriveInfowindowContent(i){
        // Build the wording for the pop-up Infowindow, one piece at a time;
        var t1 = "<h4>"  + Points[i].label +  "</h4>";
        return t1;
    // Function called when webpage first loads
    function initialize() {
        // Next line sets the latitude/longitude of map centre at startup. Use tools at
        // to find a nice, new map centre's coordinates.
        var myMapCentre = new google.maps.LatLng(51.50,-0.135);
        // "zoom" sets the zoom (or scale) of the map
        // Use any value between 0-20, 12 seems about right to me.
        // Smaller numbers mean you see a larger area of ground in your browser.
        var myOptions = {
            zoom: 12,
            center: myMapCentre,
            mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP
        var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map_canvas"), myOptions);
        gmap = map; // Store in global var gmap
        // Just use one Infowindow and set its content each time before use, this 
        // saves memory and means old infowindow closes when user opens a new one.
        var Infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
        // Go through plotting all points on map
        for(var i=0;i<Points.length;i++){
           Points[i].LatLon     = new google.maps.LatLng(Points[i].lat,Points[i].lon);
               Points[i].Marker     = new google.maps.Marker({position:Points[i].LatLon,map:map});
           Points[i].Marker.index = i;
               google.maps.event.addListener(Points[i].Marker, 'click', function() {
                        var s=DeriveInfowindowContent(this.index);
    <body onload="initialize()">

    Note that this code doesn't do anything with the "color" or the "size" parameters in your Excel spreadsheet, but I guess you can work those bits out yourself now you have a basic structure.

    UPDATE: Since doing this I have found a nice Javascript library that will parse your Excel-produced CSV file into an array for you, which means you won't need my Perl above. See Evan's answer to this question.