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Kendo UI Web Scheduler - Modifying resources dataSource dynamically

I'm trying to change the resources dataSource dynamically, but the changes I am making are not being applied to the Scheduler.

I've created a scheduler like so:

    date: new Date(),
    startTime: new Date("2013/11/27 07:00 AM"),
    endTime: new Date("2013/11/27 06:00 PM"),
    height: "600",
    selectable: true,
    views: [
        { type: "workWeek", selected: true },

    editable: {
        template: kendo.template($("#schedulerTemplate").html())
    dataSource: _dataSourceDetailedAppointmentScheduler,
    edit: _api.onEditScheduler,
    cancel: _api.onCancelScheduler,
    save: _api.onSaveScheduler,

    resources: [
            field: "CommertialRepresentativeId", // The field of the scheduler event which contains the resource identifier
            title: "Representante Comercial", // The label displayed in the scheduler edit form for this resource
            dataSource: [
                    text: "Representante 1", // Text of the resource instance
                    value: 1, // Identifier of the resource instance, use that value to assign an event to this instance.
                    color: "#ff0000" // Used as the background of events assigned to this resource.
            multiple: false // Indicate the this is a multiple instance resource


And after another control is modified, I try to replace the resources dataSource, changing the color of events with a value of 1 in the field: "CommertialRepresentativeId" to green.;
var schedulerControl = $("#scheduler").data("kendoScheduler");
var resourceDS = new
        data: [
            { text: "rep 1",
                value: 1,
                color: "#00ff00"


schedulerControl.resources[0].dataSource = resourceDS;

Can't seem to figure out why the scheduler will continue to display the events in the original color.

I'd appreciate some help!


  • You should use resource.setDatasource or to update the configuration:

    var data = [{ text: "rep 1", value: 1, color: "#00ff00" }];

    If you don't want to replace all data but only change one item, this should also work:

    // id if you have one, otherwise if you know the index
    var existingItem = schedulerControl.resources[0].dataSource.get(id);
    existingItem.set("color", "#00ff00");