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How to determine end of read

I have simple C server and Java client. I'm sending text file line by line from server to client:

    do {
        send(sockfd, line, strlen(line), 0);
        printf("%s\n", line);
    } while ((fgets(line, 100, fp)) != NULL);  

and read it in Java client with:

         decoded = new String(inmsg, "UTF-8");
    }while(Client.getCl().getInputStream().read(inmsg) > 0);  

My problem is that I don't know how to send "end of read" from server to client. The client freezes on last read. I know that methode read() returns integer with number of recieving bytes and -1 when there is nothing to read and 0 when the length of buffer is zero. The only solution which returned -1 to client was to close socket on server side, but I can't use that. Also I've tried following:
1) Send 0 length at the end of sending method to tell client, that length is zero:

send(sockfd, NULL, NULL, 0);  

2) Define flags and send:

#define MSG_FIN 0x200
#define MSG_EOR 0x0080

and again with both flags:

 send(sockfd, NULL, NULL, MSG_FIN);
 send(sockfd, NULL, NULL, MSG_EOR);  

Anyone please help what am I doing wrong here? Thanks


  • If you want to send intermittent data over the same TCP socket, you'll need to encode the boundaries of the information you're sending within the data you're sending. An example of this is to send "packets" of data with a length-prefix, so that the receiver of a packet will read as many bytes off the socket as the length-prefix says to.