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Rails - Delayed_job start script don't start (command.rb:73:in `mkdir': File exists)

I've got a problem getting delayed_job script to work.

The delayed_job rake tasks "rake jobs:work" works fine in development and in production environment. But when I try to start it up with the script I get the following error:

user:~/rails1/current$ RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job start
/home/user/rails1/shared/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/delayed_job-4.0.0/lib/delayed/command.rb:73:in `mkdir': File exists - /home/user/rails1/releases/20131218094848/tmp/pids (Errno::EEXIST)
    from /home/user/rails1/shared/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/delayed_job-4.0.0/lib/delayed/command.rb:73:in `daemonize'
    from script/delayed_job:5:in `<main>'

As far as I know there is this code snippet in the delayed_job lib file command.rb (

def daemonize
      dir = @options[:pid_dir]
      Dir.mkdir(dir) unless File.exists?(dir)

      if @worker_count > 1 && @options[:identifier]
        raise ArgumentError, 'Cannot specify both --number-of-workers and --identifier'
      elsif @worker_count == 1 && @options[:identifier]
        process_name = "delayed_job.#{@options[:identifier]}"
        run_process(process_name, dir)
        worker_count.times do |worker_index|
          process_name = worker_count == 1 ? "delayed_job" : "delayed_job.#{worker_index}"
          run_process(process_name, dir)

which is causing my error.

As the error message says, the directory tmp/pids exists. But in the code there is an "unless" clause which says, that it shouldn't be created in case it exists. So why does the script tries to make the directory?

I've generated the script in development environment. Is it sensitive to the environment? This is the script:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'config', 'environment'))
require 'delayed/command'

Does anybody have a clue? just for your information: the daemons gem, which delayed_job needs, is in my gemfile.

UPDATE: I tried the start script now locally on my dev machine and there it works. But it still fails on my production machine. So the rake task "rake jobs:work" works on my dev machine and on the prodution server, but the script in script/delayed_job works only on my local dev machine.


  • I found the solution. The tmp/pids was a symlink created through my hoster's capistrano recipe. It linked to a shared folder. But the corresponding directory wasn't there. Creating it resolved the problem!