My keyboard has two languages, English and other. But in xterm I can write only in other language, and I can't replace the language in any way (alt-lshift, the regular way, or in the gui). With shift key I can write upper case (with caps lock it doesn’t work).
The Cygwin guides on the internet referrals me to xkb layout files, that doesn't existing in my computer at all.
I open the xterm from the icon of Xwin.
Thank you.
Since this is an XTerm running in the Cygwin X server, the X server is doing all the keyboard input translation, independently from the keyboard translation Windows does for other programs (the X server reads the raw keyboard input from the device). So you have to use the X11 methods of changing keyboard layouts. Into your .xinitrc
or .xprofile
(I can't remember which one Cygwin uses) put the following command
setxkbmap us
To load the US keyboard layout. You can type it also from your xterm when you need it. Read the manpage of setxbmap
for details.