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C8051f312 microcontroller

I'm not very good at C language, but I have write a very simple code to a C8051F312 microcontroller. My code doesn't working. Please help me what did I wrong.

#include C8051F310.h
#include stdio.h

sbit LED_16 = P1^7; // green LED: 1 = ON; 0 = OFF

void init(void)
    // XBRN registers_init
    XBR0 = 0x00; 
    XBR1 = 0x00; // Enable the crossbar
    PCA0MD  = 0X00;

    // port_init
    P0MDOUT = 0x00; // Output configuration for P0
    P1MDOUT = 0x40; // Output configuration for P1
    P2MDOUT = 0x00; // Output configuration for P2
    P3MDOUT = 0x00; // Output configuration for P3

void main(void)

    while (1)
        LED_16 = 1; // LED continuously illuminated


  • 1.First of all you should use one of 2 following options for #include directive

    #include  "path-spec"
    #include  <path-spec>

    , not #include path-spec, as you did

    2.To configuire 7th bit of P1 general I/O port to work in push-pull mode you should set

    P1MDOUT = 0x80;

    , not

    P1MDOUT = 0x40;