On html page if I give name in double quotes then it is not getting reflected on page. It displays a blank string. I tried with escape() function but that didn't work. So what is the way to display a string in double quotes.
One thing I forgot to mention that I want to display the string in input text box.
Hello everyone thanks for suggestions. My issue has been solved now. I created one private method to which I passed my required parameters which contains double quotes in it. Here is the method.
var i = str.length,
aRet = [];
while (i--) {
var iC = str[i].charCodeAt();
if (iC < 65 || iC > 127 || (iC>90 && iC<97)) {
aRet[i] = '&#'+iC+';';
} else {
aRet[i] = str[i];
return aRet.join('');
The above method will convert double quote into the required format to display it on web page. I referred one of the stackoverflow page for this. Thanks. Hope this will help others.