I am writting a firefox os application and I found a strange problem. I have two web activities (open a link on a projects tab and sending an e-mail on the users tab ) what are work correctly under the Firefox OS 1.1 simulator but not work under the appmanager+firefox OS 1.2 simulator. In additional it did not work under my Keon phone with FFOS 1.2 prerelease.
Do you have any idea? Thanks.
Might not be the most optimal way but try something like:
function sendEmail(toEmail, subject, body) {
var createEmail = new MozActivity({
name : "new",
data : {
type : "mail",
url : "mailto:" + toEmail + "?&subject=" + subject + "&body=" + body + "",
function processUsers() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(xhr.responseText);
for (var i = 0; i < obj['users'].length; i++) {
if (obj['users'][i].email != null) {
var myLi = document.createElement('li');
myLi.innerHTML = "<p>" + obj['users'][i].name+ "</p>" + "<p class='sendEmail'>" + obj['users'][i].email; "</p>";
var em =obj['users'][i].email;
var sb = '';
var bd = '';
myLi.onclick = (function(em, sb, bd) {
return function(){ sendEmail(em, sb, bd) }
})(em, sb, bd);
} else {
$('#resultsUsers').append("<li><p>" + obj['users'][i].name + "</p></li>");
usersAreLoaded = true;
} else {
console.log("did not get data " + xhr.status);