we recently upgraded our jetty version. when we did this both of our legacy gui war files, which no one has modified in some time, stopped working correctly. I believe I hunted the root cause to the proxy (used to proxy to a restful interface on another port), any call to the proxy throws the exception:
IllegalStateException: !asyncSupported
I'm not sure why this would occure with 1.9 but not with the old jetty. I can't build the war file currently, it was a mess that only one developer could ever build, but I trid unzipping it with jetty -x and ading to the servlet section of the web.xml file this:
and then rezipping it with jar c command. that didn't seem to help, though now i get exceptions in my jetty log fhile while before they would only show in the browser.
can anyone tell me what to do to activate async support and/or why the switch in jetty would cause this?
Ah, the evolution of the spec ...
async-supported == true
async-supported == false
That's why you didn't have to specify async-supported in the past, but now you do.
Bug about this bugs.eclipse.org/410893