I'm trying to use shaders in my program but i'm getting very strange error...
Vertex shader failed to compile with the following error
ERROR: 0:6: error(#132) Syntax error: "in" parse error
ERROR: error(#273) 1 compilation errors. No code generated
I thought the problem was with file reading, but after trying many ways of that it's still not working.
So here is my code:
bool ShaderProgram::LoadShaderFile(const char* shader_path, GLuint& shader_id)
ifstream oFileStream(shader_path);
// Load shader code
string sShaderSource;
sShaderSource.assign((istreambuf_iterator<char> (oFileStream) ), istreambuf_iterator<char> () );
// Forward shader code to OGL
const GLchar* chShaderSource = sShaderSource.c_str() + '\0';
printf("%s", chShaderSource);
glShaderSource(shader_id, 1, (const GLchar**) &chShaderSource, NULL);
return true;
return false;
And my shaders:
// shader.vs
// Vertex Shader
#version 330
in vec3 vVertex
in vec3 vColor
smooth out vec4 vVaryingColor;
void main()
vVaryingColor = vec4(vColor, 1.0);
gl_Position = vec4(vVertex, 1.0);
// shader.fs
// Fragment Shader
#version 330
smooth in vec4 vVeryingColor;
out vec4 vVaryingColor;
void main()
vFragColor = vVaryingColor;
You are missing the semicolons at the end of the in
You have:
in vec3 vVertex
in vec3 vColor
You should have:
in vec3 vVertex;
in vec3 vColor;