I have the following code. What I am trying to find out is if I can change the number 5 to value from a domain class.E.g Domain.getNumber. Can i use #Number# in place of 5. If not is there a way to get that?
<select id="searchClassOverviewCount" resultClass="int"
select count(*)
from Class
'SqlMap-School.searchClassOverviewCount' =
<isNotEmpty prepend="and" property="globalSearchPattern">
right(repeat('0', 5) || NUMBER, 5)
|| '-' ||
right(repeat('0', 2) || RNUMBER, 2)
like upper('%$globalSearchPattern$%')
Yes you can.
All you have to do is replacing 5 to #number#.
However, number must be a member variable of the com.school.business.domain.SchoolCriteriaDomain and has name "number" Not "Number".