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Partial View not rendered from controller? WHY?

This is in accordance to my question:

How to pass array created from jQuery to controller method?

Here is my controller returning a partial view:

     public ActionResult PartialViewChild(int id)
    //stmts /*model is assigned here */
    return PartialView("ChildPartialView", model);

My problem now is that, the view returned from my controller action is not rendered by $.ajax() call. I had put a debugger in the success function, it never hit there. So, by chance, I added a error function also in ajax call like,

        var id=currentSelected.Id;
        url: "@(Url.Action("PartialViewChild", "ControllerChild")",
        type: "POST",
        data: JSON.stringify({id : id}),
        cache: false,
        success: function (result) {
         error: function (data, errorThrown) {
         alert('request failed :' + errorThrown);

I also found out that, the div with id "id1" must be empty for the partial view to be rendered correctly. But, that div at the start renders a EmptyView like,

       <div id="id1">
       @{Html.RenderPartial("ChildPartialView", new ChildPartialModel());}        

and based on the ajax call, I wanted to fill in that div with the returned result (by now all the attributes will have value).. But, unfortunately, here I only had the alert of error:() from ajax call telling me that there was a "Parse error".

Can someone tell me how can I correct it?


This is my Partial View:

    @model Models.ChildColumnsModel
    <span>@Html.LabelFor(c => c.Phone_Number):</span>
    <span>@Html.TextBoxFor(c=> c.Phone_Number)</span>
    // like this it has all its attributes...

and in my controller:

    public PartialViewResult PartialViewChild(int id)
     var model=child.GetReletedInfo(id); /*proper results are returned here which is of ChildColumnsModel type */
     return PartialView("ChildPartialView", model);


  • SORRY ALL... I resolved the issue. I had an extra property for ajax telling its dataType: "Json"... when I removed it, All was FINE.. How silly of myself..?!! Thank you all for your VALUABLE answers and TIME friends..