I think I've tried everything on this one, but I cannot figure this out. I'm simply trying to update the total price for each row in a table when the user increases the quantity. So far I've tried
data-bind="text: parseFloat((total * quantity), 10)"
and jQuery $.each()
function as part of a mapping option, but I didn't really understand that one.Here's a fiddle. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can accomplish this seemingly simple task I'd appreciate it.
Most of the failed attempts are in the comments on that fiddle. The closest I've come was the ko.computed but I could only get it to return one value - the value for the last row in the table. Thanks
Depends what you want to achieve. For simple display purpose a function will do:
viewModel.calcTotal = function ( row ) {
return parseFloat(( row.total() * row.quantity() ), 10);
There is special variable in for
loop $data
that will pass your row data:
<td><span data-bind="text: $root.calcTotal($data)"></span></td>
Also, your first point with math in HTML will work if you add parentheses. Simple form of binding observables won't work in expressions.
data-bind="text: parseFloat(( total() * quantity() ), 10)"