I have two tables:
var myList = ((IRawGraphClient) client).ExecuteGetCypherResults<**i_need_class_to_save_it**>(
new CypherQuery("match (a:User)-[r]->(b:Phone) return a,collect(b)", null, CypherResultMode.Set))
.Select(un => un.Data);
How create correct collection to save data?
It sounds like you haven't read https://github.com/Readify/Neo4jClient/wiki/cypher or https://github.com/Readify/Neo4jClient/wiki/cypher-examples. You really should start there. It helps to read the manual. I don't just write it for fun.
For your specific scenario, let's start with your Cypher query:
MATCH (a:User)-[r]->(b:Phone)
RETURN a, collect(b)
Now, we convert that to fluent Cypher:
var results = client.Cypher
.Return((a, b) => new {
User = a.As<User>(),
Phones = b.CollectAs<Phone>()
You can then use this rather easily:
foreach (var result in results)
Console.WriteLine("{0} has {1} phone numbers", result.User.Name, result.Phones.Count());
You will need classes like these, that match your node property model:
public class User
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Surname { get; set; }
public class Phone
public string number { get; set; }
public string type_of_number { get; set; }
Again, please go and read https://github.com/Readify/Neo4jClient/wiki/cypher and https://github.com/Readify/Neo4jClient/wiki/cypher-examples.