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JPA find the Last entry

I would like to know what's the best way to get the last entry of a table with JPA. In Sql, what I'm looking for would be like:

select id from table order by id desc limit 1 

I was thinking about model.count() but that sounds more like a hack than a good solution ;)


  • You could use a JPQL query that looks very similar to your query.

    select t from JpaClass t order by desc

    After you establish your Query object you could then call

    query.getSingleResult() or call query.setMaxResults(1)

    followed by


    EDIT: My mistake: Please note mtpettyp's comment below.

    Don't use query.getSingleResult() as an exception could be thrown if there is not exactly one row returned - see…() - mtpettyp

    Go with setMaxResults and getResultList.
