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Addressing Modes in Assembly Language (IA-32 NASM)

As the web-resources on this is sparse, I will, for the benefit of future searches, begin by listing the address modes for IA-32 Assembly Language (NASM) and then follow up with a quick question.

  1. Register addressing
    • mov eax, ebx: Copies what is in ebx into eax
    • mov esi, var: Copies address of var (say 0x0040120e) into esi
  2. Immediate addressing (second operand is an immediate constant)
    • mov bx, 20: 16-bit register bx gets the actual value 20
  3. Direct memory addressing (directly loads from memory through a specified address)
    • mov ax, [1000h]: loads a 2-byte object from the byte at address 4096 (0x1000 in hexadecimal) into a 16-bit register called 'ax'
    • mov [1000h], ax: memory at address 1000h gets the value of ax
  4. Direct offset addressing (same as 3, just using arithmetics to modify address)
    • mov al, [byte_tbl+2]
  5. Register indirect (accessing memory by using addresses stored in registers)
    • mov ax, [di]: copies value at memory address specified by di, into ax
    • mov dword [eax], var1: copies value in var1 into the memory slot specified by eax

Please note that the above is for NASM. For MASM/TASM you'd use "mov esi, OFFSET foo" to get the address, while "mov esi, foo" and "mov esi, [foo]" both would get the value (creds to @Michael).

So, onto my question. It is in in relation to an example at the bottom of page 29 of the following tutorial:

It basically lists the below code as an example of indirect memory addressing.

MY_TABLE TIMES 10 DW 0 ; Allocates 10 words (2 bytes) each initialized to 0 
MOV EBX, [MY_TABLE] ; Effective Address of MY_TABLE in EBX 
MOV [EBX], 110 ; MY_TABLE[0] = 110 
ADD EBX, 2 ; EBX = EBX +2 
MOV [EBX], 123 ; MY_TABLE[1] = 123 

My questions:

  1. Should not "MOV EBX, [MY_TABLE]" in fact be "MOV EBX, MY_TABLE", as we want to put the address of the table in EBX, not the value itself?
  2. Surely it is MY_TABLE[2] that is equal to 123 at the end, not MY_TABLE[1]?


    1. In NASM syntax, that instruction should be MOV EBX, MY_TABLE. What MOV EBX, [MY_TABLE] would do is load the first 4 bytes located at MY_TABLE into EBX. Another alternative would be to use LEA, as in LEA EBX, [MY_TABLE].

    2. In this case the tutorial is right. MY_TABLE is defined as an array of words. A word on the x86 is 2 bytes, so the second element of MY_TABLE is indeed located at MY_TABLE + 2.