i was trying to write some C++ codes into java, now i have writter following code into java but it is throwing errors!
if(ShapeNotFound && xd*yd - nPixel[k] < xd+yd) // Condition for RECTANGLE
System.out.print("\n "+in+" \t Rectangle \n");
fileWriter3.write("\n "+in+" \t Rectangle \n");
Shape[k] = 2;
ShapeNotFound = 0;
I am getting following error :
The operator && is undefined for the argument type(s) int, boolean
Please help, tell me how to write the above if condition correctly in java
C and C++ both assume that for integers 0 is false and all other values are true.
Java does not make the same assumption so you need to add a check for int!=0 into the expression i.e.:
if((ShapeNotFound!=0) && (xd*yd - nPixel[k] < xd+yd))
Or alternatively your ShapeNotFound variable should be of type boolean not int.
It would be worth converting variable names etc to Java style guidelines as well.