I am facing an issue while trying to put a text/dialog system in my game project. When I create a font and call the draw method on it passing the camera updated spriteBatch, each pixel of the font has the same dimension of one sprite.
I get the following render:
What you can see on the picture is the top of the "h" of "hello" with each pixel oversized. The same camera is used to render the tiles/sprites.
The effect I want to achieve is similar to this:
Here is the code:
// 15 * 12 tile size
camera = new OrthographicCamera(Const.VIEWPORT_WIDTH, Const.VIEWPORT_HEIGHT);
BitmapFont font = new BitmapFont(Gdx.files.internal("data/fonts/myfont.fnt"));
// ....
// p => player position
camera.position.x = p.getX();
camera.position.y = p.getY();
font.draw(batch, "hello", p.getX(), p.getY());
I have tried using font.setScale()
with no success.
Does someone know how to achieve this?
Create a camera with a bigger viewport (for example pixel perfect of your testing device). And use that to render your font. Also do not create a new font every render, create it at the beginning and use that.
To calculate the position you should draw the text, it would be like this. Lets suppose your world camera is called "cam", and your text camera is called "guicam". And a GameObject called "object".
ratew = guicam.viewportWidth/cam.viewportWidth; //<--- you should calculate these 2 only once.
rateh = guicam.viewportHeight/cam.viewportHeight;
x = guicam.position.x-(cam.position.x-object.position.x)*ratew;
y = guicam.position.y-(cam.position.y-object.position.y)*rateh;
font.draw(batch, "stuff", x, y);