I have defined the following class:
public class priorityQueue<T extends Comparable<T>> implements Iterable<T>
It contains the following methods:
I need to write a method that copies elements from a collection to a priorityQueue
public static<T> void copy(Collection<T> source, priorityQueue<? extends Comparable<T>> dest) {
for(T elem:source){
I get the error:
The method Push(capture#1-of ? extends Comparable<T>) in the type priorityQueue<capture#1-of ? extends Comparable<T>> is not applicable for the arguments (T)
Why I can't write the method:
public static<T> void copy(Collection<T> source, priorityQueue<T extends Comparable<T>> dest)
I get the error:
Syntax error on token "extends",, expected
How can I declare the method to copy the elements?
Because T
is already defined at that point, try this instead
public static<T extends Comparable<T>>
void copy(Collection<T> source, priorityQueue<T> dest) {}