I am converting a complete set of C++ codes to java which includes openCv. For java conversion i am using JavaCV. Now, i am trying to convert this code into java:
CvScalar s;
IplImage* pImg =cvCreateImage(cvSize(1000,1000),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
IplImage* Edges =cvCreateImage(cvSize(1000,1000),IPL_DEPTH_8U,1);
for(i=0; i<=xd; i++)
for(j=0; j<=yd; j++)
cvSet2D(pImg,i,j,s); //See ref 4
Now i want to convert this s.val[0] = 255 to java so, i am typing the same code statement ie. s.val[0] = 255 but it is showing me error. Please help. how do i convert that into java code.
your value assigning is incorrect for javacv
CvScalar s = // init
if (s.getVal(i) == ?? )
s.setval(i, new_value);