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New to awk and sed, How could I improve this? Multiple sed and awk commands

This is the script I've constructed

  • It takes a list of files according to the extension supplied as an argument.

  • It then removes everything before the pattern 00000000: in those files.

  • The pattern 00000000: is preceded by the string <pre>, it then removes those five first characters.
  • The script then removes the last three lines of the file
  • The script the outputs only the hexdump data of the file.
  • The script runs xxd to convert the hexdump to a file.jpg

    if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
        echo 'Run script as ./hexconv ext'
        exit 0

    for file in *.$1
        filename=$(basename $file)

        sed -n '/00000000:/,$p' $file | sed '1s/^.....//' | head -n -3 | awk '{print $2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6" "$7" "$8" "$9" "$10" "$11" "$12" "$13" "$14" "$15" "$16" "$17}' | xxd -p -r > $filename.jpg

It works as I want it too, but I suspect there are things to improve it by, but alas, I am a novice in the use of awk and sed.

Excerpt from file

<td>HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2013 04:27:04 GMT
Server: PWS/8.0.18
X-Px: ms h0-s34.p6-lhr ( h0-s35.p6-lhr), ht-d
Etag: &quot;4556354-9fbf8-4e40387aadfc0&quot;
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0, max-age=0
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 654328
Content-Type: image/jpeg
Last-Modified: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 21:55:19 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
<pre>00000000:  ff  d8  ff  e0  00  10  4a  46  49  46  00  01  01  01  00  48  ......JFIF.....H
00000010:  00  48  00  00  ff  e1  00  18  45  78  69  66  00  00  49  49  .H......Exif..II
00000020:  2a  00  08  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  00  ff  ed  *...............
00000030:  00  48  50  68  74  73  68  70  20  33  2e  30  00  .HPhotoshop 3.0.
00000040:  38  42  49  4d  04  04  00  00  00  00  00  1c  01  5a  00  8BIM..........Z.
00000050:  03  1b  25  47  1c  02  00  00  02  00  02  00  38  42  49  4d  ..%G........8BIM
00000060:  04  25  00  00  00  00  00  10  fc  e1  89  c8  b7  c9  78  .%.............x
00000070:    34  62  34  07  58  77  eb  ff  e1  03  a5  68  74  74  70  /4b4.Xw.....http
00000080:  3a    6e  73  2e  61  64  62  65  2e  63  6d  ://
00000090:  78  61  70  31  2e  30  00  3c  78  70  61  63  6b  xap/1.0/.&lt;?xpack
000000a0:  65  74  20  62  65  67  69  6e  3d  22  ef  bb  bf  22  20  69  et begin="..." i
000000b0:  64  3d  22  57  35  4d  30  4d  70  43  65  68  69  48  7a  72  d="W5M0MpCehiHzr
000000c0:  65  53  7a  4e  54  63  7a  6b  63  39  64  22  3e  20  3c  eSzNTczkc9d"?&gt; &lt;
000000d0:  78  3a  78  6d  70  6d  65  74  61  20  78  6d  6c  6e  73  3a  x:xmpmeta xmlns:
000000e0:  78  3d  22  61  64  62  65  3a  6e  73  3a  6d  65  74  61  x="adobe:ns:meta
000000f0:    22  20  78  3a  78  6d  70  74  6b  3d  22  41  64  62  /" x:xmptk="Adob
00000100:  65  20  58  4d  50  20  43  72  65  20  35  2e  30  2d  63  e XMP Core 5.0-c
00000110:  30  36  31  20  36  34  2e  31  34  30  39  34  39  2c  20  32  061 64.140949, 2
00000120:  30  31  30  31  32  30  37  2d  31  30  3a  35  37  3a  010/12/07-10:57:


  • Although @CodeGnome is right and this might belong to Code Review SE, here you go anyway:

    1. Slightly more efficient to combine the multiple sed commands into one, for example:

      sed -n -e 's/^<pre>//' -e '/00000000:/,$p'

      I decided to retract this part, as I'm not all that sure it's any better or clearer. Your version is fine, except that s/^<pre>// is better than s/^.....//.

    2. Use exit 1 when checking the number of arguments to signal an error

    3. What is for file in *. there? Iterate for all files ending with a dot? Typo?

    4. Unless you're 100% sure the filenames will never contain spaces, you should quote them, but don't quote where you don't need, for example:

      filename=$(basename "$file")  # need to quote
      extension=${filename##*.}     # no need, 
      filename=${filename%.*}       # no need
      sed ... "$file"               # need to quote
      ... | xxd > "$filename".jpg   # need to quote
    5. The last awk could be shorter and less error prone as a loop:

      ... | awk '{printf $2; for (i=3; i<=17; ++i) printf " " $i; print ""}'

    It seems you want to learn. You might be interested in this other answer too: What are the rules to write robust shell scripts?