what is the Advantage/disadvantage of use java ee 6 vs spring framework in enterprise application? Which one is better for large scale projects(why)? comparing to java ee 6, what is spring disadvantages ? i dont have any experience in spring but i want to know difference between them.
Java EE s main advantage is that it is an official framework. It has all the same features as Spring except for the fact, that it always goes in one box - container (even if you do not need some components, they will be present). Of course, it is possible to hook some components of Java EE (like Weld) separately into your java SE app, but it is not common.
Spring on the other hand is more configurable in terms of the components you want. You can decide yourself what you need in your application (usually DI). Spring can also use Java EE features (such as JSP).
If you need only some small subset of Java EE (like Dependency Injection), it is better to use Spring for it. If you need multiple features of Java EE (ie. JTA + JMS + DI + etc), I would go for Glassfish.