I'm doing a chat room with.I have one jFrame created with Netbeans but I have one problem. I have 2 important classes. One of them is the interface itself. Another one is a java class with run method that ckecks for new messages. I will start a thread that will run this run method. Every time I read a message, I want to use a method send of the interface. This method will append the message to JEditorPane. But it's not appending it. I do receive a message but it is not appearing in the jeditorpane... Could you help me, please?
This method is on ClientForm1( interface ). It will append a text to a editorpane. I start here a thread to check the incoming messages
public void send(String message){
String messages;
messages = jEditorPane1.getText();
And this is the run method for checking incoming messages from server. All the JFrame variables are private.
public ResMesClient(Socket socket, BufferedReader br, PrintStream p){
this.socket = socket;
ps = p;
public void run(){
String messages;
try {
//This thread will read the server messages
ClientForm1 cf = new ClientForm1(socket,ps); //I create an object
JFrame frame1 = cf; //I create a frame and set it visible.
messages = is.readLine();
System.out.println("From ResMesClient : "+messages);
else cf.send("Set text works"); //I call a send method of ClientForm1 class
} catch (IOException ex) {
These two are 2 different java classes in different files. But it is not appending... I tried a lot of things but it's not working... At least, I can tell for sure that I do receive a message, only it's not appending
Thank you in advance
Take care of calling SWT or Swing method from threads which not belong to the original Swing or SWT Thread -> Other Process or ThreadGroup.
Using SWT it means calling the text.setText method must be executed using the Display object
display.asyncExec(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
using swing means
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
So your looü should look like this
messages = is.readLine();
System.out.println("From ResMesClient : "+messages);
if(!messages.equals("QUITCLIENT")) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} else {
//Quit programm or whatever
I think there should be your problem.