the problem is that i want to handle 3 lvl Zooms.
Lowest level - Articles Between level - Mounths Top level - Years
For this example i have used custom control and backgrounds.
Top level - is blue. Between level - is red. Lowest level GridView - is filled with 30 items of custom controls.
Problem is that i some why cant scroll my lowest level GridView.
Here is my xaml:
<SemanticZoom Grid.Row="1">
<SemanticZoom Grid.Row="1">
<GridView x:Name="NewsListBox">
<SolidColorBrush Color="#FF006C67" Opacity="0.5"/>
<WrapGrid ItemHeight="200" MaximumRowsOrColumns="5" VerticalChildrenAlignment="Center" />
<GridView Background="Red"/>
<GridView Background="Blue"/>
The Semantic Zoom control for Windows 8 was designed to provide only two levels. This is based on user research which found that more than two levels confused users. See the design guidelines here. I suggest that you use the Semantic zoom in combination with page navigation.