I have developped a Worklight (v6) Application. The Worklight server runs on a Websphere Application Server 8.5.5 (JMS provider).
When I invoke my adapter, I get this exception in the WAS log :
[12/13/13 13:20:02:860 CET] 00000093 JMSConnection E com.worklight.adapters.jms.JMSConnectionManager onException FWLSE0005W: JMS connection exception received: com.ibm.ws.sib.api.jms.impl.JmsManagedConnectionFactoryImpl incompatible with javax.jms.ConnectionFactory. Closing the connection. [project testJMS]
I have followed 2 ways to make my JMS queue, connection factory, etc.
http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/iisinfsv/v8r7/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.swg.im.iis.infoservdir.user.doc%2Ftopics%2Ft_isd_user_creating_jms_que_cx_fact.html (from topic 1 to 5)
and this one :
two tutorials are similars (using WAS full profile). In my case, the queue is local (Woklight ans the queue are in the WAS). So, I let under commentary "namingConnection" tag in my JMS adapter.
But I do not understand why I get this exception. It seems that is classcast Exception. But how to solve this problem ?
Thanks in adavance
This defect is still present in the version of worklight. You will need to upgrade to the (20130909-1459) Fix Pack to get the fix.
If upgrading isn't an option, there is a bit of a hacky workaround that does work with no adverse side effects.
Use 6.0.020130926 instead of the above version as mentioned by Idan.