I'm working on a c++ project, and we recently needed to include a small part of boost in it. The boost part is really minimal (Boost::Python), thus, using bjam to build everything looks like an overkill (besides, everyone working on the project feels comfortable with make, and has no knowloedge of jam).
I made quite some tests already, but I cant find a way to include the formerly mentioned library in my makefile and make the build succesful.
All your help is deeply apreciated. :)
I had the same problem and found a solution in this tutorial. You 1) need to compile the source into an object file with the -fPIC
gcc option, and 2) compile this object into a library with the -shared
gcc option. Of course you have also to link against the Boost.Python library (generally -lboost_python
, however for my debian system it is for example -lboost_python-mt-py25
, I have also to add -I/usr/include/pythyon25
). In my makefile I end up doing those two steps in one command. See also p. 13 of this presentation.