Okay so put simply i am trying to save and then load data to and from a NumberPicker. The NumberPicker values are set initially with a string array as specific values are required to be chosen from in the NumberPicker setDisplayedValues() method is used.
I dont have any trouble saving its just when it comes to loading. because im guessing i need to give the index of the position in which that value is found in the array. This is what i have been trying but to no avail
Ibelieve numberPicker must take an int or an array of strings. I am also getting this error when loading the prefs()
12-12 19:57:34.724: E/AndroidRuntime(7612): Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException:
java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Integer
12-12 19:57:34.724: E/AndroidRuntime(7612):
at android.app.SharedPreferencesImpl.getInt(SharedPreferencesImpl.java:240)
12-12 19:57:34.724: E/AndroidRuntime(7612):
at sweetbix.android.shredbox.JumpSettings.loadPrefs(JumpSettings.java:228)
any help would be appreciated :)
global variables
SeekBar switchSlider;
RadioGroup directionRadioGroup;
RadioButton fsRadioBtn;
RadioButton bsRadioBtn;
RadioButton fsBsRadioBtn;
RadioButton dirOffRadioBtn;
SeekBar corkSlider;
SeekBar spinSlider;
SeekBar grabSlider;
NumberPicker minSpinNP;
NumberPicker maxSpinNP;
Button saveBtn;
boolean safe;
int maxSpinPos;
int minSpinPos;
private int switchProbability;
private int corkProbability;
private int spinProbability;
private int grabProbability;
private int spin = 0;
private int minSpin;
private int maxSpin;
private String[] spinValues = new String[8];
strings added to spinValues
for (int i = 0; i < spinValues.length; i++) {
String rotation = Integer.toString(spin += 180);
spinValues[i] = rotation;
the save method used,
private void savePrefs(String key, int value){
SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext());
Editor editor = prefs.edit();
editor.putInt(key, value);
onchangelistener for the numberpicker, somecode commented but shows what i have tried.
maxSpinNP.setOnValueChangedListener(new OnValueChangeListener(){
public void onValueChange(NumberPicker picker, int oldVal,
int newVal) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
//maxSpin = Integer.parseInt(spinValues[maxSpinNP.getValue()]);
//maxSpin = spinValues[maxSpinNP.getValue()];
maxSpinPos = Arrays.asList(spinValues).indexOf(maxSpin);
Toast.makeText(JumpSettings.this,"maxspinpos:"+ maxSpinPos,
calling the save method
savePrefs("MIN_SPIN_JUMPS", minSpinPos);
savePrefs("MAX_SPIN_JUMPS", maxSpinPos);
finally calling the loadprefs method, more code commented
private void loadPrefs(){
SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getApplicationContext());
switchProbability = prefs.getInt("SWITCH_JUMPS", 35);
corkProbability = prefs.getInt("CORK_JUMPS", 20);
spinProbability = prefs.getInt("SPIN_JUMPS", 80);
grabProbability = prefs.getInt("GRAB_JUMPS", 80);
minSpinPos = prefs.getInt("MIN_SPIN_JUMPS", 0);
maxSpinPos = prefs.getInt("MAX_SPIN_JUMPS", 7);
//minSpin = prefs.getString("MIN_SPIN_JUMPS", "180");
//maxSpin = prefs.getString("MAX_SPIN_JUMPS", 1080);
Log.e("min", "" + minSpinPos);
Log.e("max", "" + maxSpinPos);
//Log.e("prob", switchProbability + "");
this is line 228
minSpinPos = prefs.getInt("MIN_SPIN_JUMPS", 0);
solved it. i used this in the load preferences method
for( int i=0; i<spinValues.length ; i++ )
if( spinValues[i].equals(maxSpinPos) )
numberpicker takes an int value and i thought i was getting an int value when i was trying to get the array index but i was actually getting the index and setting the variable to the value of that index
yay :)