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Do companies register DNS sub-domains or handle it themselves?

If my university has all public IP addresses and it wants to add a department as a DNS subdomain i.e.

Will it typically handle the subdomain itself on it's local on campus DNS servers?
Or will it register that subdomain with a registrar?

Also, will windows server handle remote internet DNS requests?

I'm asking because I'm trying to figure out how powerful windows server DNS capabilities are.


  • is not a subdomain, but a URL. A subdomain would be

    The DNS server of the top-level-domain edu will reference to the DNS server of your university ( and that one manages all subdomains on an local DNS server (like the aforementioned for instance). However, it's also possible that your university does not host an own DNS server if they don't need to manage subdomains.

    And yes, Windows Server can certainly handle remote requests.