I have a special mouse button that serves as a double click. It doesn't have any special key, it's just sending two LButton signals.
I have introduced the #InstallMouseHook into my script to be able to track mouse clicks. I have gotten this after pressing the double button multiple times:
VK SC Type Up/Dn Elapsed Key
04 000 d 2.78 MButton
04 000 u 0.19 MButton
01 000 d 0.65 LButton <- Manual DC
01 000 u 0.17 LButton
01 000 d 0.11 LButton
01 000 u 0.14 LButton
04 000 d 0.75 MButton
04 000 u 0.19 MButton
01 000 d 0.45 LButton <- Special button DC
01 000 u 0.00 LButton
01 000 d 0.00 LButton
01 000 u 0.00 LButton
From what I assume The elapsed key is key to determining what is a double click (DC) by the DC mouse button and which one by me manually pressing left click two times. I want to remap the former scenario, not the latter (DC button::something else like middle click and my manual double left click to remain the same). So far it seems that the elapsed time for the DC button is <2.0 and manual DC >2.0.
The idea would be to have something like this (not in AHK language):
if (LButton == 1) //pressed
if (t<2 && LButton == 1) //how to check it went down and up before down the 2nd time?
LButton::MButton; //the remapping I want
else // t>2
Nothing //let me do a regular DC
Could you help me on how to start the timer and what environment variables need to be set?
Upon each click, you have to check the elapsed time since the last click and decide how to handle the information:
dcTime := 50
if(A_PriorHotkey = A_ThisHotkey && A_TimeSincePriorHotkey < dcTime) {
Send, {MButton}
} else {
Send, {LButton}
Of course, you'll have to adjust the timeout according to your mouse button's speed. I also recommend calling SetBatchLines, -1
as it will minimize inaccuracies in time measurement.