I need rtmp service url to store my camera video lively from my android devices. according to this site
I have referred these following sites to implement live streaming at server side.
These servers are providing limited time span for free trials.but i need free one.
At last i found C++ RTMP Server
After working on this server i got to conclusion that the server code was written in C++. So i have added the C++ plugins to the eclipse to run. But i got the following errors
"Launch Failed. Binary Not Found"
To resolve this error i have installed " MinGW installer", but of no use.
In this site, we have client code for android to implement live streaming from android device to server. Here the live video will be saved directly on to the server. Can we generate the service url like "rtmp://live:[email protected]:1935/live/test.flv" using the above C++ server ? Please guide me in implementing this. Any help will be appreciated.
i install the Ubuntu server 12.04 in my system.
and i used these commands:
12.04 amd64/i386
sudo apt-get install g++ subversion cmake make libssl-dev
cd /tmp svn co --username anonymous --password "" https://svn.rtmpd.com/crtmpserver/trunk crtmpserver cd crtmpserver/builders/cmake/
and now the crtmpserver is working successfully... for other questions refer this crtmpserver