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How to refresh FilterUIProvider after loading GridFilterSettings?

In our software, it is possible to save the gridsettings, which also includes the filtersettings.

For providing nice filtering, we are using the FilterUIProvider of Infragistics, which shows the filtering criterias, like in the following picture (I apologize, it's German):

figure 1: FilterUIProvider of Infragistics

However, if I try to load the FilterSettings from the database into the grid, the Checked Items of the FilterUIProvider do not change (!)

This is the codesnippet I am having (Loading the FilterSettings):

    For Each FilterSetting As GridFilter In CurrentVorlage.VorlageData.GridFilterSettings
        If Not FilterSetting.Key.Equals(.Key) Then Continue For
        Dim cond As New FilterCondition
        cond.CompareValue = FilterSetting.CompareValue 'value from database
        cond.ComparisionOperator = CType(FilterSetting.ComparisionOperator.FilterComparisionOperator) 'value from database
        e.Layout.Bands(0).ColumnFilters(.Key).LogicalOperator = CType(FilterSetting.LogicalOperator, FilterLogicalOperator)

The rows in the grid are filtered out as expected, though. The only problem is that the FilterUIProvider seems deaf to the filtersettings changes. So if the user clicks on the Filter again, all items are unchecked. And if the User checks something else on the filter, the FilterSettings are gone, too.

What am I missing that the items are checked / unchecked according to the GridFilterSettings?

I have browsed through the internet, the Infragistics Help Site but unfortunately I haven't found anything, really. Any help would be much appreciated.

EDIT: I also posted the same question on Infragistics Forum, where I provided an example application.


  • We had to update the infragistics version to 2010.3, as pointed out by Mike Saltzman:

    Your sample is working fine for me. When I run the sample the first time, it comes up with two filters (Blanks) and 36. When I drop down the Filter UI, those are the two items checked on the list. I tried changing the filtered items and clicking the Save button, then stopping and re-running the app, and once again, it's working fine. The items I selected are still filtered and they are still checked on the list when I drop it down.

    So my guess is that this is just a bug in the version you are using and you need to get the latest service release