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Suppress proxy generation for some hubs or methods

I'm starting out with SignalR and I have a situation where I'm going to have a SignalR site that will be broadcasting messages to clients, but I also need an admin interface that will actually trigger those messages. The admin page will call server side methods that will, in turn, call client side Javascript methods for regular users. So I'm thinking I can either set up two separate hubs (one for admin, one for everybody else) or I can have methods in a single hub that can only be called by the admin that will check authorization.

But in addition to the authorization, I'd like to have SignalR not include admin methods or an admin hub in the generated Javascript proxy classes so that I'm not advertising their existence (again - this is NOT the only security, I will be checking authorization). Is there an attribute or property I can set on individual hubs or on methods within a hub that will suppress them from being included in the proxy (but still have them callable from Javascript)? I know you can set EnableJavaScriptProxies to false in your HubConfiguration, but that seems to be global and I'd like to keep the proxy for the stuff I do want the regular client to be using.


  • We don't have a way of excluding specific methods from the proxy today. You'd have to re-implement your own proxy generator that basically does what we do in our default impl but has knowledge of some attribute to skip generation of specific methods.

    We can conceivable add this in a future version of SignalR. File an issue on github if you feel strongly about having this.

    Here's the default implementation (it would have been easier if we made more methods virtual and non static).