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Parsing an application log text file into an array.

Ok so here is the problem. I am trying to get an array of installed applications and versions.

So far what I have discovered is that I can run this command:

system_profiler SPApplicationsDataType > log.txt

Which will give me a txt file with the following format:



  Version: 3.1.5
  Obtained from: Unknown
  Last Modified: 9/15/12, 2:41 AM
  Kind: Universal
  64-Bit (Intel): No
  Location: /Volumes/Storage/


  Version: 1.6
  Obtained from: Identified Developer
  Last Modified: 10/12/12, 3:24 AM
  Kind: Intel
  64-Bit (Intel): No
  Signed by: Developer ID Application: Global Delight Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Developer ID Certification Authority, Apple Root CA
  Location: /Volumes/Storage/
  Get Info String: 1.6  Copyright © 2008 - 2012, Global Delight Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

World of Goo:

  Version: 1.30
  Obtained from: Unknown
  Last Modified: 2/8/10, 8:43 AM
  Kind: Universal
  64-Bit (Intel): No
  Location: /Volumes/Storage/Misc/World of
  Get Info String: 1.30, Copyright © 2008 2D Boy LLC

VZAccess Manager:

  Version: 4.3.0
  Obtained from: Unknown
  Last Modified: 12/17/09, 8:48 PM
  Kind: Universal
  64-Bit (Intel): No
  Location: /Volumes/Storage/Misc/VZAccess
  Get Info String: VZAccess Manager 4.3.0 Copyright © 2000-2008 Smith Micro Software, Inc.


  Obtained from: Unknown
  Last Modified: 10/9/00, 12:00 PM
  Kind: Classic
  Location: /Volumes/Storage/Misc/System Folder/Control Panels/ColorSync


  Obtained from: Unknown
  Last Modified: 10/1/96, 12:00 PM
  Kind: Classic
  Location: /Volumes/Storage/Misc/System Folder/Control Panels/AppleTalk

I want to be able to take the Application name and the Version number and store them somehow preferably in an array. I'm not sure how to where to start since all entries look the same to me? I need to ignore entries without versions numbers as well.


  • Here’s an Awk script that will give you the output format you mentioned:

    /^ {4}.+:$/ {
        sub(/^ {4}/, "", $0)
        last_application = $0
    /^ +Version:/ {
        sub(/^ +Version: /, "", $0)
        print last_application " " $0

    If you save it as script.awk you can run

    awk -f script.awk log.txt

    to get output like

    MacTubes: 3.1.5
    Boom: 1.6
    World of Goo: 1.30
    VZAccess Manager: 4.3.0

    This has been tested with the /usr/bin/awk of OS X 10.9.0.