I have a geoprocessing service that takes two parameters: netCDF (file) and Date (str). I'm working off of the demo found here.
The issue I have is getting the netCDF file to the geoprocessing service. By creating an upload feature I can see how I would be able to provide the needed parameter but I already have all the necessary files server side.
How can I get my web application to read local netCDF data into the geoprocessing service? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
My testing application can be found here.
Service: http://sroarcgis.ducks.org/ducksunlimited/rest/services/wsi_tool/GPServer
I receiver the error message: Error {code: 400, message: "Invalid or missing input parameters.", details: Array[0], log: undefined, httpCode: 400}
After speaking with ESRI support they said that I would need to enable uploads on my web server, then upload each file individually.