I have this selfreferencing Model:
public class AddressDataViewModel
public String Country {get; set;}
public String Town {get; set;}
public AddressDataViewModel AdditionalAddress {get; set;}
Problem is that the Required attribute is also applicated to the Country property of self referenced object AdditionalAddress and so on. Is there some easy way to suppress this? I only want Required validation to first of the hierarchy.
You could solve this with a base and derived class:
public abstract class AddressDataViewModel
public virtual String Country {get; set;}
public String Town {get; set;}
public class PrimaryAddressDataViewModel : AddressDataViewModel
public Overrides String Country {get; set;}
public class AdditionalAddressDataViewModel : AddressDataViewModel
public class AddressesDataViewModel
public PrimaryAddressDataViewModel PrimaryAddress {get;set;}
IEnumerable<AdditionalAddressDataViewModel> AdditionalAddresses {get;set;}