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Figure out which Quartz trigger triggered job

Is there a way to tell which trigger is the one the kicked the job off? I've got a Grails app and I'm using the quartz plugin to schedule some jobs, but I'd like to be able to do just a bit different things depending on which trigger kicked off the job...

class MyJob {

  static triggers = {
     cron name: 'noonTrigger', cronExpression: '0 0 12 * * ? *'//12:00 PM every day
     cron name: 'twoPMTrigger', cronExpression: '0 0 14 * * ? *'//2:00 PM every day

  def execute(){
     else if(twoPMTrigger)
        ...//kicked off from controller

Is there a way to tell in the execute which trigger kicked this off? Or maybe even a way to say this job wasn't kicked off by a trigger but was kicked off from some controller code or something like that?

EDIT: Based off of Joshua Moore's info, the code looks like this:

def execute(context){ 
  if( == 'noonTrigger'){

Works like a champ. From a controller it seems the name is randomly(?) generated but this still works fine as well:

class MyController{
  def myMethod(){


  • The Grails Quartz plugin allows you to define your execute method with a single parameter for the JobExecutionContext (e.g. def execute(context)). From the JobExecutionContext you can use getTrigger() to find the trigger used to fire the job. Take a look at the API docs for JobExecutionContext for more information.