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Developing using CUDA on several computers, when only one has a GPU installed

I am a Java developer. To speed some of our algorithms, we have decided to try CUDA.

But the Issue is, currently we have only one server with GPU installed and 3 developers have to work on it (by transferring the file each time over ssh and compiling and running it over there). This obviously is a tedious process.

What I would like to know is: On my machine which does not have GPU, can I using NSight work on CUDA by compiling and generating files locally. This can automatically be transferred to server to get the result.

If we can at least work on algorithm locally using NSight (or any other IDE) and not pure vim and then compile it to remove compile time errors, this would save quite some time.


  • On Linux you can do remote debugging using Nsight Eclipse Edition as documented here. This requires 5.5 or later. On Windows you need to start the Nsight monitor on the server and then just configure Nsight Visual Studio Edition to use the remote machine.