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Detect lowest Java version supported

I'm working on a little Java app and I'm currently putting the installer together. This checks for perquisites, such as Java being installed, and prompts the user to download anything that's required.

I need to set a requirement for the minimum Java version I support (I'm building with 7). Is there a simple way I can detect what this would be? So if I'm using any classes etc. not available in earlier versions. BTW I'm using IntelliJ.


  • I'm not sure if the entire 'system tray' complicates things, but..

    1. For deploying Java desktop apps., the best option is usually to install the app. using Java Web Start. JWS works on Windows, OS X & *nix.
    2. The best way to deploy a JWS app. or applet is to use the Deployment Toolkit Script. (That script will do the 'version checking').