I am writing a client for one of my REST API using jersey(org.glassfish.jersey.client.*).
api url is : http://localhost:5676/searchws/search/getresults
this api returns a json response. i need to provide a payload using jersey client and thats where i am stuck. FOllowing is a sample extract of payload which i need to provide (preferably as string)
Question is how can i provide a payload (XML/JSON) as string or entity to my webtarget.
I saw the answer to providing payload mentioned by calden How to send Request payload to REST API in java? but i am looking for a way to do it in jersey client.
Here is my code till now which does not work fully for post requests.
public class RequestGenerator
private WebTarget target;
private ClientConfig config;
private Client client;
private Response response;
public RequestGenerator(Method RequestSendingMethod) throws Exception
switch (RequestSendingMethod)
case POST :
config = new ClientConfig();
client = ClientBuilder.newClient(config);
target = client.target("http://localhost:5676/searchws").path("search").path("getresults");
String payload = "{\"query\":\"(filter:(\\\"google\\\")) AND (count_options_availbale:[1 TO *])\"}"; //This is just a sample json payload actual one is pretty large
response = target.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).post(Entity.json("")); // What to do here
String jsonLine = response.readEntity(String.class);
I got this working using following code, Salil's code works fine as well(+1 with thanks to him), thanks everyone who contributed to this problem, loving stackoverflow:
public class RequestGenerator
private WebTarget target;
private ClientConfig config;
private Client client;
private Response response;
public RequestGenerator(Method RequestSendingMethod) throws Exception
switch (RequestSendingMethod)
case POST :
String payload = "\r\n{\r\n\"query\": \"google \",\r\n\"rows\": 50,\r\n\"return_docs\": true,\r\n\"is_facet\": true\r\n}"; //this is escapped json string in single line
config = new ClientConfig();
client = ClientBuilder.newClient(config);
target = client.target("http://localhost:7400/searchws/search/getresults");
response = target.request().accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).post(Entity.entity(payload, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON), Response.class);
processresponse(response); //This could be any method which processes your json response and gets you your desired data.
case GET :
config = new ClientConfig();
client = ClientBuilder.newClient(config);
target = client.target("http://localhost:7400/search-service/searchservice").path("search").path("results").path("tiger");
response = target.request().accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get();
processresponse(response); //This could be any method which processes your json response and gets you your desired data.