I'm trying to use iCloudCoreDataStack for syncing my app's Core Data store over multiple iOS7 devices. This works, meaning I can work offline and add data on the real device and this will shows up later in the simulator after going online.
However, I am unable to delete all data stored by my app in iCloud. Even if I delete the app from the simulator and my device, going into the settings app (Storage and Backup -> Manage Storage) and deleting my app's data there, reappears later if I reinstall the app again. I've waited several hours after deleting.
What's the proper way of manually deleting everything an app has stored in iCloud? Can the user do that?
Use the NSPersistentStoreCoordinator removeUbiquitousContentAndPersistentStoreAtURL:options:error: API
If the app has been deleted then use the Settings app to managed iCloud storage
Settings->iCloud->Storage&Backup->Manage Storage->AppName.