I'm using the same AggCatService throughout the examples below. I'm using the Java SDK.
The first time a new institution is added by a user in my application, I call discoverAndAddAccounts to add the credentials to the intuit server. Do I also need to do getLoginAccounts for each account to refresh the account or is getAccountTransactions enough?
Later, when I'd like to get the fresh information from the accounts added, should I then call discoverAndAddAccounts again or should I only do getLoginAccounts and getAccountTransactions for each account?
If I call discoverAndAddAccounts again on refresh, will I then add duplicate credentials information to the Intuit servers or will Intuit know the credentials is already added?
Thanks for helping out.
1| To get refreshed info, you should call UpdateInstituitionLogin with refresh flag set as true immediately after DiscoverAndAddAccounts API call.
2| After getting refreshed information, you can directly call GetAccount, getAccountTransactions APIs.
3| Ideally it should add the delta. If it doesn't then you can do it programmatically by comparing existing accountIds against the same of API response. I didn't test it against any real FI. I used CC_Bank but it always returns a static list of accounts. - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0020_customeraccountdata/customer_account_data_api/testing_calls_to_the_api
I can confirm the behavior and update this post.