I understand that when I submit a form, according to the documentation ExtJs by default parses the response as JSON.
In my case, the server returns HTML, that I want to display in a Panel. When I submit the from using getForm().submit()
, ExtJs will throw an error about invalid JSON:
Ext.JSON.decode(): You're trying to decode an invalid JSON String
How can I tell ExtJs not to attempt to parse the response ? I could the access the text with the response object.
Finally, it was impossible for me to get to work the form.submit()
of ExtJs. I needed an implementation using Ext
. And since this is a frequent pattern in my application, it is important to have a short an simple solution.
This is what I finally found (I have a modal window containing the form):
var values = me.up('form').getValues(),
panel = Ext.create('My.view.MyPanel', {
xtype: 'panel',
loader: {
url: Paths.ajax + 'sav_vpc/douane.php',
method: 'get',
params: values,
autoLoad: true
This solution has another advantage over the me.up('form').getForm().submit()
While .getForm().submit()
is asynchronous, .getValues()
is synchronous. Therefore, it is possible to close the window immediately.