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What encoding are filenames in NTFS stored as?

I'm just getting started on some programming to handle filenames with non-english names on a WinXP system. I've done some recommended reading on unicode and I think I get the basic idea, but some parts are still not very clear to me.

Specifically, what encoding (UTF-8, UTF-16LE/BE) are the file names (not the content, but the actual name of the file) stored in NTFS? Is it possible to open any file using fopen(), which takes a char*, or do I have no choice but to use wfopen(), which uses a wchar_t*, and presumably takes a UTF-16 string?

I tried manually feeding in a UTF-8 encoded string to fopen(), eg.

unsigned char filename[] = {0xEA, 0xB0, 0x80, 0x2E, 0x74, 0x78, 0x74, 0x0}; // 가.txt

FILE* f = fopen((char*)filename, "wb+");

but this came out as 'ê°€.txt'.

I was under the impression (which may be wrong) that a UTF8-encoded string would suffice in opening any filename under Windows, because I seem to vaguely remember some Windows application passing around (char*), not (wchar_t*), and having no problems.

Can anyone shed some light on this?


  • NTFS stores filenames in UTF-16, however fopen is using ANSI (not UTF-8).

    In order to use an UTF16-encoded file name you will need to use the Unicode versions of the file open calls. Do this by defining UNICODE and _UNICODE in your project. Then use the CreateFile call or the wfopen call.