I have made terraria clones in the past. They're quite fun as a project, I find. But with the 1.2 update of Terraria, I want a clone that I can run on any computer anywhere anytime. So I'm working with HTML5.
At first, I thought it would be simple - as it has been in the past with the other languages I've used.
But once I got into it, I started facing many problems. I do NOT have any code to share, because I've deleted it all and tried again countless times. I can only do edits on my website live, so when I want to try again, I either make a new page entirely, or just edit the page I currently have. For lack of unlimited storage, I edit the page I currently have.
Some pseudo code for what I have tried is this:
Set the fillStyle to black. Loop through the width and height/16 and create x amount of rect()'s. Fill all the rects. Draw the player (either with an image or another rect in a different colour).
Which works fine, I can render it all just great. But it takes a lot longer than I would like. I'd be getting about .4FPS if I used this for rendering. So what I'm wondering, is how can I go about rendering a 2d tile based map that extends past the area of the viewport efficiently?
I don't want theories, I know the concepts. I need help understanding how to IMPLEMENT the concepts. Some code that does this quasi efficiently would be fantastic to see.
I can only do edits live because I use a chromebook. There is no option for me to use a text editor and then upload the files when they're completed.
If you rendered the whole thing once then you would get less lag. Maybe have 16x16 grids within the whole map that can be saved and then rendered as a whole as needed? You could (re)render them when they are modified and when they first appear.