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Entity framework not creating .cs file for new table

I'm using Entity framework 5 with a database first approach. I created a new database table and updated my .edmx. The .cs file was not created for my, as explained here this is a bug in VS 2012.

I followed the work arounds as explained in this thread and I eventually updated to VS2012.4. The .cs file is still not created for my new table, any idea why this is happening and how I can fix this?


  • I decided to delete my edmx file and create a new connection to the database, and this error:

    Connection failed, your password expired

    Needless to say, a lot of time could have been saved if entity framework at least warned me when updating my model from database that my password expired, instead of just 'Updating' as if nothing is wrong.

    So I renewed my password and guess what, everything is working!