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error LNK2019: when trying to return a vector

I ve created a method in a class that returns a vector in a opencv project. Class cpp and header code:


vector<Rect> detection(string fileName)
    Mat image, gray_image;
    string path = "C:\\"+ fileName;
    image = imread( fileName, 1 );

    //create a vector array to store the face found
    vector<Rect> faces;

    return faces;

Header file:

class Detection
    vector<Rect> detection(string fileName);

In main function which is in another cpp file I include "Detection.h", create an object of detection and a Rect vector, when I am trying to assign them I ve got the error

 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: class std::vector<class cv::Rect_<int>,class std::allocator<class cv::Rect_<int> > > __thiscall Detection::detection(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >)" (?detection@Detection@@QAE?AV?$vector@V?$Rect_@H@cv@@V?$allocator@V?$Rect_@H@cv@@@std@@@std@@V?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@3@@Z) referenced in function _main

Main function code:

vector<Rect> detections;
Detection object;
detections = object.detection("C:\\opencvAssets/BioID_0102.pgm");

What I am missing in my code???


  • Did you mean to implement the member method:

    vector<Rect> Detection::detection(string fileName)

    instead of the free function

    vector<Rect> detection(string fileName)


    Note that if you reached the linking stage without any compiler errors, it means that detection can probably be marked as static or even be a free function, as it doesn't appear to be directly tied with a single Detection object.

    Also, consider passing fileName by const reference.