I am writing single threaded program that requires a pause after each operation. (pause = random value between 1 and 60 seconds).
So a wrote method like this:
public void freeze() throws InterruptedException {
Thread.sleep(nextFreezeDurationSec * 1000);
I discovered a problem while looking through program log. Аpparently, for some unknow for me reason, after 500-700 operations it puts my program to sleep for a much bigger amount of time (once it was greater than an hour)
And I wrote another method:
public void freeze() {
long nextFreezeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() + (nextFreezeDurationSec * 1000);
while (System.currentTimeMillis() < nextFreezeEnd) {
This one works fine. But it eats CPU like crazy.
I would be grateful for any advice on this issue.
It could be that another program is forcibly putting the JVM to sleep.