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Chaplin cannot assign to read only property 'dispatcher' of [object Object]

I've replaced Chaplin v0.7.0 with the latest v0.11.3. Having done that I now get a Javascript error in Chrome:

cannot assign to read only property 'dispatcher' of [object Object]

Firefox reports something similar:

[08:46:39.783] TypeError: "dispatcher" is read-only @

What has changed that is likely to have caused this problem?

Startup code in my Grails app is:

<script src="//"></script>
        baseUrl: './js/',
        paths: {
            jquery: '//',
            'jquery.ui': '//',
            underscore: '//',
            backbone: '//',
            handlebars: '//',
            text: '//',
//                chaplin: 'vendor/chaplin-0.7.0',
            chaplin: '//',
            'jquery.bootstrap': '//',
            'highcharts': '//',
            'moment': '//'
        // Underscore and Backbone are not AMD-capable per default,
        // so we need to use the AMD wrapping of RequireJS
        shim: {
            jquery: {
                exports: '$'
            underscore: {
                exports: '_'
            backbone: {
                deps: ['underscore', 'jquery'],
                exports: 'Backbone'
            handlebars: {
                exports: 'Handlebars'
            'jquery.bootstrap': {
                deps: ['jquery']
            'highcharts': {
                deps: ['jquery']
<g:if env="development">
        // For easier development, disable browser caching
        // Of course, this should be removed in a production environment
        , urlArgs: 'bust=' +  (new Date()).getTime()

    // Bootstrap the application
    require(['application'], function(Application) {
        var app = new Application();


In addition Firefox seems to report:

[08:46:38.395] Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module: function (Chaplin, routes) {


  • Looks like there have been quite a few changes to the Boilerplate project too.

    In the past you had to call initDispatcher() when initializing the Application object but looks like the Chaplin framework calls that internally now.