I have been doing some work with the canvas using JavaScript and I have noticed the FPS in Chrome seems to cap out at 60fps until such point as opening the inspector up (the dev tools accessed from right clicking and clicking "Inspect Element").
If I run my own code in other browsers there is no FPS issues, likewise if I run in Chrome when the inspector tools are open there is no issue, it instantly shoots up to 120 frames per second.
As a means of showing a practical example, take a look at this page: http://mbostock.github.io/d3/talk/20111018/collision.html
If I view this page without my inspector tools open, the FPS graph shows between 40 and 60 frames per second. However, as soon as the inspector is open, the FPS instantly jumps to 120 FPS again and is visually and physically more responsive.
I'm really struggling to understand why this is and ideally would like to have my code running as if the inspector window was open. As essentially the amount of time being given for processing seems to be dropping by a substantial amount.
Is this a known limit of code being executed in a non-debugging environment?
Any insight would be much appreciated, thank you :)
After experimenting a bit further after reading Cuberto's findings, it seems that this may be a bug with Chrome and dual monitor setups.
As Cuberto suggested, I tried resizing my window a bit smaller, and this made the FPS shoot back up. Even if didn't have the screen maximised, but still had it spanning most of the screen it would be at max FPS.
Curiously, I disabled my second monitor and then put Chrome back into the maximised state, and it was fine.
As soon as I re-enabled my second monitor the FPS shot down again, so it would appear this is the problem.
Upd: it seems someone else has had this same problem with dual monitors (see comments): Why would Chrome cap frame rate at 30fps?